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Markups and Gluten-Free

I learned about a year ago that due to a rare genetic disorder I have that it would be best for me to be on a gluten free diet. There are other restrictions of course too, but this is one that more people are familiar with. At the time that I was diagnosed I was managing a community owned grocery store, so I had some first hand knowledge of how markups worked and what they were.

Even before I was diagnosed it bothered me that a box of regular pasta would have a suggested mark-up of 20-35%, but the already more expensive gluten-free pasta would have a suggested mark-up of  55-80%. I realize that some people are on gluten-free as a fad, but there are some of us who really need to be gluten-free. It seemed immoral to me that just being gluten-free meant the wholesaler was suggesting that we have a higher mark-up. With approval from our community board I lowered markups on diet-specialty items to be inline with more mainstream groceries. This belief in fair and just pricing is something I have brought into my online store too. Just because my suppliers suggest a mark-up of 70+% on items doesn't mean I will sell it at that price; my goal is to not only have good and fair prices, but to have prices that I can feel right about charging. Doing this has allowed me to sell the majority of my stock at non-sale prices of 15-60% below Suggested Retail Prices.

While I currently do not sell food: gluten-free or otherwise. It is my goal to always sell at fair prices.

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This idea  is neat, but I have found that using colored masking tape or even plain masking tape and writing what the cord is for work a whole lot better. Also if there is excess cords and they are gettin tangled you can loop the excess and twist tie the loop.